We are committed to the sustainability & security of local food supplies. The regenerative agricultural practices on our Florida ranches result in healthy soils that absorb carbon, which is further enhanced by the rotational grazing of livestock.
Climate change is accelerating due to greenhouse gas emissions, which are predominantly driven by the amount of carbon dioxide we emit into the atmosphere. Decarbonization is necessary for the food industry to reduce its carbon footprint and create a more sustainable food supply for future generations. This will require improving soil health using regenerative agricultural practices and transitioning our economy to cleaner energy sources.
Regenerative agriculture focuses on the sustainability of our natural soils, which absorb carbon when healthy. It also reduces erosion, which curtails runoff resulting in more efficient water usage. Farmers have demonstrated success using cover crops and newly-planted trees to reduce erosion and improve organic soil composition to sequester carbon. Integrating livestock further enhances this ecosystem because it eliminates the use of synthetic fertilizers.
Our rotational grazing practices significantly enhance our grassland soils and biodiversity. We enable decarbonization through the following best practices:
Rotational livestock grazing eliminates the use of synthetic fertilizers. Our paunch material is composted into a soil amendment and used as organic fertilizer.
We use advanced technology to pretreat wastewater for crop irrigation, which helps conserve the local aquifer.
Our feedstocks are used to produce renewable fuels, which supports decarbonization within the transportation sector.