Building Upon Our Legacy
In 1914, Bacon County, in South Georgia, was a thinly populated region that encompassed only about 293 square miles. Often called “Wiregrass Country”, early settlers were initially drawn to the area for its rich, loamy soil and towering loblolly pines. The tender roots of wiregrass, however, proved to be excellent pastureland for grazing cattle. As the population of the area grew, especially the county seat of Alma, cattle ranching became predominant.
These early beef producers found it to be a slow and tedious process. In the 1940s, slaughtered animals had to be inspected at the police station in Waycross, a good 30 miles away, before being sold to local markets. This meant loading cattle onto a mule-drawn wagon and traversing poor roads and unsafe bridges, if they even existed. When it rained, the 30-mile trip could take a full day.
The history of Bacon County is inextricably connected to the Lee Family. Our business was founded by the same pioneer spirit that populated and developed Wiregrass Country. The early obstacles and hardships provided the impetus for the success we experience today.
Hard work and commitment to excellence still define our mission. Our growth has allowed us to better serve our customers and broaden our impact – not only on livestock producers in small communities across our country, but on economic development within our market areas.
Lessons learned in the early years remain foundational to our company: resilience, loyalty, honesty, hard work, and excellence.
Our Beef. Our Beliefs. Our Passion
About Us
Florida Beef provides highly customized solutions to meet the exacting specifications of the modern beef industry. We focus meticulously on animal welfare, food safety quality, traceability, and environmental stewardship, all of which contribute to our long record of integrity and consistent adherence to the highest ethical standards in the food industry. Our wholesome beef products are enjoyed by consumers across the world.
To deliver safe, high quality beef products harvested from responsibly raised animals with the highest regard to health, sustainability, and environmental stewardship.
Products & Capabilities
Our production flexibilities allow us to package our products in a variety of formats and packaging types.